LeadingThe Living Organization®
Training For Change Agents
A Bridge to a New Way of Working
Today’s business challenges require a shift in how we relate to organizations.
As a consultant or internal change agent, you know we can no longer relate to the organization as a machine whose program is written by leadership and executed by employees.
The key to the success of The Living Organization Approach is that its core focus is on creating new outcomes – the top priority of any leader. With this approach we link and integrate the “soft-side” and the “hard-side.” No longer does a leader have to choose one over the other. The Living Organization supports creating results while implementing organization improvement programs.
The Living Organization Framework is not a new model as much as it is a platform that enables any of these models to be better implemented. It is the bridge that allows an organization to shift the paradigm from operating like a machine to operating like a living being.
+ More about this course
Whether you follow Teal, Responsive Org, Agile Business, Micro-Enterprise Model, Self-Management, Lean Startup or another framework, they all point to organizations that are responsive, agile, adoptable, releasing their creative energy – attributes of a living entity. Yet, all of them fight against the pull of the existing machine paradigm.
It is time to shift the paradigm! Show organizations how to produce results that allow them to grow and thrive and make a positive contribution to society and all those involved. It is time for organization to be seen as living beings, comprised of business units and departments that are also living beings.
In Introduction to The Living Organization, you will discover how to help your clients produce more results with less effort, engaging the whole organization in the process.
Course Details
5 weeks
Time Commitment:
1 session/wk
2.5 hr/session
1-2 hours/wk practice
$1,750 USD
Next Date:
May 11, 2021 through Jun 8, 2021
7AM – 9:30AM PST
Who Is It For?
This program is designed for consultants, practitioners and internal change agents from around the world who:
- Are actively looking to enhance adoption of key change efforts.
- Willing to challenge their own beliefs to grow and be more effective at what they do.
- Want their clients/companies to excel in the 21st century.
The Introduction to Leading The Living Organization is an experiential, peer-to-peer learning experience.
What We Cover
How to achieve better outcomes through the application of The Living Organization principles.
You will learn through experience in this workshop. You will bring a specific challenge that you are currently facing with a client. Through hands-on group exercises, you will apply each of the core principles to your challenge. You will also have the opportunity to apply them to your daily challenges between sessions. This makes the learning practical and immediately applicable to your daily role as leader.
+ More about what's covered
Session 1 – Organization as Living Being
- Introductions
- Seeing the organization as a living being
- Activity, Relationship, and Context Energy Fields
- What is the new way of leading?
Session 2 – Working With Energy
- Using A-R-C to lead more effectively
- Heart Centered Wisdom – Leading From Heart and Head
- Communication – Key to managing energy
- Heart Centered Communication
Session 3 – Power of Context
- How Context is created and how it impacts outcomes
- Identifying the Context influences for your challenge
Session 4 – Reframing Context
- New stories for new Context
- Rituals as scaffolding of the new Context
Session 5 – Applying TLO
- Key principles that enhance consulting engagement
- How to build your offering on the TLO platform
- The New You – Actions for the future
Key Benefits
This is an introduction to the larger The Living Organization (TLO) Framework. It gives participants a first-hand experience of the power of TLO plus the basic skills to begin integrating it into their own consulting practices and offerings. You will learn to enhance your consulting offerings, differentiate yourself from others and increase your client’s success.
- Speak to the needs of C-Level execs so you gain greater support and acceptance.
- Create faster adoption of your offerings and greater impact for your clients
- Enhance your current offerings to differentiate yourself in the market
- Be part of a worldwide community of like-minded change agents
- Contribute to the evolution and growth of the tools and methods of TLO
- Grow personally as you apply these principles to your own life.
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